Saturday, August 2, 2008

On it's way...

My Dad is going to get the Michigan! He left this morning and I spoke with him around lunch. He's taking a couple buddies up there, a big truck, and a even bigger trailer! The car is 20' 10" long and 81" wide at the widest point. This is bigger than any car, truck, or van I've ever driven! Since this is a hearse and doesn't have the windows in the back it is going to be a PAIN to backup, and since it's so freaking huge I'm going to have a hard time parking this bad boy in any sort of normal parking spot. I may have to do the douche bag thing and park in 2 spots...I know.

I know this is going to be a adventure and is going to take a LONG time to finish, but I am getting more and more excited the closer it gets to actually being in my hands. My Dad rules for helping me with all this. Thanks dad.
Also, if anyone out there needs Adobe illustrator files for Ghostbuster logos check out this page!

The colors are slightly off, the black isn't completely black, but if you have Illustrator hopefully you can fix this or a printing company surely can. I plan on making magnetic logos for the doors instead of getting real vinyls.

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